Local Events

Events for the next 30 days. If you want to see the full calendar of events, click here

You can also look for upcoming events for any of the following categories (just click on the name):

Arts, Community, Green Spaces, Social, Sport, Committee Meetings

  • Overnight road closure on Harvill Road

    Monday February 17, 12:00 am to Monday March 17, 5:00 am

    Overnight road closure on Harvill Road

    HS2 have been informed by the manufacturer about further checks to be carried out on some welded parts of the new Harvil Road bridge over the Chiltern Line. To ensure the safety of both the operatives and rail users, the work will take place when no trains are operating on the Chiltern Line.

    From 17 February to 17 March 2025, they will carry out an audit and inspection overnight from 12am to 5am. Harvil Road will be closed overnight to allow the works to be carried out safely, excluding Friday night.These activities are non-intrusive, with a minimal noise level expected ensuring that any disruption is kept to a minimum.  Please see the following images for more information about the works they will be carrying out and a map showing the location of the road closure and the diversion route.

  • Eastcote Horticultural Society Spring Show

    Saturday March 15, 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm

    Eastcote Community Centre

    Eastcote Horticultural Society Spring Show

    A family event where you can drop in and see the exhibits displayed by our local members. These include flowers, fruit and vegetables they have grown, baking, handicrafts, photography and entries from children.

    There is the opportunity to enjoy tea with homemade cake and visit the plant stall. The Show closes with the presentations by the Mayor of Hillingdon at 4.30 pm.

    Find out more at www.succulent-plant.com/eastcote or email eastcotehorticultural@yahoo.co.uk

  • Ruislip, Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society

    Tuesday March 18, 8:00 pm

    St Martin’s Church Hall

    Ruislip Northwood History SocietyOur Speaker for March is Timothy Noad who will talk about his life and work as “Herald Painter and Scrivener”. Timothy works for HM College of Arms in London, his title is Herald Painter (heraldic artist) and Scrivener (calligrapher). He combines his artistic skills with an
    in-depth knowledge of heraldry, symbolism, historical styles and natural history.
    Visitors are welcome (£3 donation). Any changes to these arrangements will be posted on the RNELHS website. For further information please contact the Membership Secretary at membership@rnelhs.uk

  • Michael Sobell House – Firewalk Challenge

    Friday March 21, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

    Michael Sobell Centre

    Michael Sobell Hospice are pleased to announce that our Firewalk Challenge will return to the Hospice on Friday, 21st March.
    Anyone interested should sign up by visiting our website https://www.harlingtonhospice.org/firewalk-challenge/ – it will cost £25 to take part and we do ask each participant to commit to raising a minimum of £75 each for our Inpatient Unit at Michael Sobell House.
    Refreshments will be available