Happy New Year

2025 is well underway.   We hope the year has started well for you.  Eastcote Residents’ Association extends best wishes to all for a happy and healthy new year ahead and one in which we can continue to work together in seeking to protect our local area.

 Our membership by direct debit payments grew nicely last year – our appreciative thanks go to our members who pay in that way.   It is the simplest way to handle the annual membership subscription (currently just £2 pa per household) so we do encourage that route.      Please click this button to do so:

Click here to pay your subscription by Direct Debit

All Eastcote residents are eligible for membership.   If you are not yet a member please do consider becoming one as we are here to watch over the interests of local residents.   A sound membership base gives us the voice to do so.   Members receive our magazine which is produced twice a year.  In addition, subscriptions enable us to hold meetings and where possible support local events and initiatives (eg tree planting).

 If you do not wish to pay membership subscription by direct debit please contact Alison Akerman – membership@eastcotera.co.uk or call on 07771 846754 to discuss an alternative method.