Proposed move of Uxbridge Library

Many of you may be aware of the proposed move of Uxbridge Central Library from the High Street to the Civic Centre. This has many implications for access, the number of local groups using the library and the available space for exhibitions. If you want to register your views you can contact your local councillor or sign the online petition. (see details below)

I should stress that I have been assured by Susan Dalloe ( Head of Museums and Archives) that the Local History Room and Department is not going to move to the Civic Centre. However no plans have been finalised yet for suitable alternative premises elsewhere in Uxbridge to house the Local History Department. The Society will continue to keep an eye on the situation.

Battle of Britain Bunker October events

Attached is information about our events for October at the Battle of Britain Bunker.

This weekend we have historians Dr Victoria Taylor and Paul Beaver debating the best aircraft of the Battle of Britain at 2pm.

On the 21st October at 11:30am we have RAF Curator Peter Devitt on the ‘Pilots of the Caribbean’: Volunteers of African heritage in the RAF. Speaker Series 21st Oct

Tickets can be booked online by selecting the date of the event on the calendar or you can call/email and we’d be happy to assist you.

Best regards,

Battle of Britain Bunker

Battle of Britain Bunker, Wren Ave, Uxbridge UB10 0GG

Battle of Britain Bunker: | 01895 238154 | Battle of Britain Bunker 

HS2 works update

Please see the works updates as follows:

Air quality around Heathrow Airport

The Council for the Independent Scrutiny of Heathrow Airport (CISHA) is carrying out a project to understand how local communities perceive air quality, and what changes they would like to see in their area. The findings of the project will lead to a set of recommendations on how the airport can make improvements to their work and funding on air quality.

@CISHA wants to know your views on air quality, if you live or work around Heathrow Airport. Take part in their online survey which is open until the end of September:  or join in their online webinar on Wednesday 20th September by registering here

For more information on their project visit




1. Hillingdon Council gives notice that to enable renewal works to be carried out by Affinity Water and to prevent the likelihood of danger to the public it made this Order, which will temporarily close Barnhill, from the junction of Cheney Street.

2. Diversion route will be in place via Cheney Street, Bridle Road, Francis Road and vice versa.

Nothing in the Order shall apply to prevent vehicular access to premises on or adjacent to the prohibited length of road insofar as access is reasonably practicable without interference with the said works.

3. The temporary restriction will be in operation between 08:00hrs on the 25th September 2023 to 18:00hrs, on the 27th September 2023 and to such extent as indicated by traffic signs prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002. Road users should assume that the closure has been put into effect only if traffic signs have been erected stating that the road has been closed and the diversion route, if necessary is in place.

4. The Order, which is proposed will come into operation on 25th September 2023, will continue in force for eighteen months or until work to which it relates is completed. However it is anticipated that the works will be completed within 3 Days.

Dated this 23 day of August 2023

Perry Scott

Corporate Director of Place


North Connect is one of your local NHS Primary care networks (PCN) with a network of 7 local GP practices working together to enhance and deliver patient care. Primary Care Networks were established in 2019 under a five year framework which is due to be reviewed in 2024/25.

Our North Connect PCN network is led by two Clinical Directors, Dr Diviash Thakrar of Acre Surgery, and Dr Martin Hall of Devonshire Lodge Surgery and covers approximately 52,000 residents in Northwood, Northwood Hills, Eastcote, Harefield and parts of Ruislip. GP practices are working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas in groups of practices known as primary care networks (PCNs). The North Connect member practices are Acre Surgery and Carepoint Practice (based at Northwood Health Centre), Acrefield Surgery in South Ruislip, Devonshire Lodge in Eastcote, Eastbury Practice in Northwood, The Harefield Practice and The Mountwood Surgery in Northwood.

The aim is to build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for people close to home. Clinicians describe this as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve. Since the NHS was created in 1948, the population has grown and people are living longer. Many people are living with long term conditions such as diabetes and heart disease or suffer with mental health issues and may need to access their local health services more often. Our PCN has recruited a growing workforce of pharmacists, mental health workers, health and wellbeing coaches, social prescribers, physiotherapists and other clinical roles that will deliver services for patients across the neighbourhood and help them if they need to access other health or social services if needed.

So far we have held two roadshows taking health services into the community, working with our partners and offering on the day blood pressure readings, booking health checks, and letting people know about the new services available such as social prescribing and health and wellbeing coaching. Our most recent Community Roadshow was at Emmanuel Church, Northwood HA6 1AS on 5th September, where we had 482 patients from all practices within the PCN attending for health advice and check-ups, with 474 blood pressure readings completed.

Each GP practice has a Patient Participation Group (PPG) which is a group of volunteer patients who work together to improve services and patient experience. PPGs are often looking for new members and some practices have a PPG application form on their web site if you want to join. Alternatively, contact the Practice Manager at your local practice to find out how to get involved in your local PPG.

Information on your PCN as it develops will be sent out through your GP practice so watch their websites and communications for updates and information. New websites are in the process of being built so you’ll find a new and updated practice website soon.

New strategy to deliver bright future for Hillingdon families

Hillingdon Council’s Cabinet (14 September) approved recommendations to maintain childcare provision in its three early years centres and roll out family hubs boroughwide to provide enhanced support for families within their local communities.

Both decisions follow an extensive 12-week consultation where more than 690 families, carers, partners, providers and community organisations shared their views on draft proposals.

The council considered responses from local parents which highlighted how strongly valued its early years nurseries (Nestles Avenue, South Ruislip and Uxbridge) are to them. This shaped the decision to maintain childcare services at these locations, as well as sourcing a provider to deliver the service.

Additionally, respondents positively received the council’s Family Hubs Strategy, with 71 per cent of residents and 79 per cent of community partners in agreement with the proposals. Eighty-two per cent of respondents also agreed or strongly agreed with the range of proposed services, welcoming the introduction of one system to provide all the support families might need from pregnancy through to adulthood.

The council’s Family Hub Strategy reflects the government’s national programme of providing more integrated services to whole families, parents, carers and children aged 0 to 19 and up to 25 years of age for those with special educational needs (SEND).

Hillingdon opened its first family hub in Uxbridge in December 2021, and the council’s ambition is to now expand this model boroughwide, building on existing services, such as children’s centres, to offer more joined up support to older children and young people.

Six family hubs and additional delivery points will be in the heart of local communities in existing children’s centres, libraries, community spaces and leisure centresThese will be within 1.5 miles or 30 minutes’ walk from residents’ homes.

Subject to the usual scrutiny process, Hillingdon’s family hub services will include, children’s centre groups and sessions, outdoor space for play, youth services, birth registration, parenting programmes and workshops, SEND support, adult education opportunities, information and advice, pre and antenatal maternity support, health visiting and school nursing, mental health services, programmes to encourage healthy weight, and communication, speech and language support.

Cllr Susan O’Brien, Hillingdon Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education, said: “Thank you to all the families and partners who took the time to respond to the consultation this summer.   Your views have really helped to inform our decision to maintain childcare in our early years centres and to go ahead with the expansion of the family hubs model boroughwide.  These services will help us to provide even more support to children, young people and families, when and where they need it most.”

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