Heathrow Consultation On-line

If you found the online Heathrow Consultation document difficult to complete then you can email your response by the 4th March Deadline 11.55pm.

The Chairman of the Eastcote Conservation Panel has been contacted by Boris Johnson’s office. They agree that the on line consultation form is not fit for purpose. Boris Johnson will take this matter further.

If you have found the process difficult then please email your objections to the consultation to feedback@heathrowconsultation.com and copy to Boris Johnson – Uxbridge & South Ruislip – boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk When writing to Boris Johnson please include your address and put Heathrow Expansion Consultation in the subject box. You may of course also wish to copy in our MP Nick Hurd – Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner nick.hurd.mp@parliament.uk

Boris Johnson would also like to receive people’s views on the proposals and the Independent Parallel Approach.[IPA]. For diagrams of the flight paths using IPA please see this link.
Again you may of course also wish to copy in our MP Nick Hurd

Draft Recommendations for new Ward Boundaries now open for comments

Hillingdon Council Electorial Review – Tell us what you think

The independent Local Government Boundary Commission for England is asking for your views on proposed new electoral arrangements for Hillingdon Council. The consultation closes on 18 March 2019

The draft recommendations propose new council wards, ward boundaries and ward names across the council area:

Produced by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England

Do the proposed wards reflect local communities?
How do you think the proposals can be improved?
Are the names of the proposed wards right?

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact the Chair of Eastcote Residents’ Associationchair@eastcotera.co.uk



theBigGive ChristmasChallenge2018

ERA is supporting this local Eastcote Charity.  Can we help them raise £2,380 this week?

CAAS is working with the Big Give, the UK’s largest match giving organisation, to provide our school holiday Games Room/Film Club (14-18 year olds) and to start a brand new monthly Creative Club (9-13 year olds) for young people with a diagnosis of autism or ADHD.

From midday on the 27 November to midday on the 4 December all donations will be doubled.

Donations must be made online via The Big Give website between these dates only.  (the link is also here: https://secure.thebiggive.org.uk/projects/view/30904/  ) Continue reading “theBigGive ChristmasChallenge2018”

HNW and the MPS launch OWL

Hillingdon Neighbourhood Watch continue to grow the number of residents signing up to the new Borough-wide system called OWL (Online Watch Link), which went live in June of this year, and over 9,000 residents are now receiving messages directly from the Police and NHW.

OWL allows the Police to quickly alert you to crimes in your immediate area, and crime prevention messages can be sent to you by both the Police and Neighbourhood Watch. It is a huge leap forwards in enabling the Police and the public to work together in closer partnership.

We invite you to sign up to OWL today at the following address: https://www.owl.co.uk

Simply enter your Postcode, fill out your details on the screen, and submit. As soon as we receive your request we will put your details onto OWL within a few working days, and you will receive an email with your login and password.

OWL is a secure system, it is free to use, and your details will never be used or sold on for marketing purposes – it is the ONLY secure communications system in the UK that is Police approved under the “Secured By Design” scheme. Your contact details are only visible to the Police, your Watch Coodinator (if one exists for your road) and senior Community/Ward Coordinators – your Community (Borough) Coordinators for Hillingdon are fully vetted MPS Civilian Volunteers.

You won’t need to log in to OWL to see alerts – they will come straight to your email or mobile phone inbox – the system is very simple to use.


Apply for your free trees – only 3 days left!

To be in with a chance to receive two free trees, simply fill out the form. The Woodland Trust and Mayor of London have 24,000 trees to give away to 12,000 Londoners. They come in packs of two so you can keep one for yourself, and pass the other on to a friend or family member. Every pack contains one birch and one field maple tree, perfect for London gardens, and wildlife will love it too.

You’ll be entered into a ballot and if your name is drawn, your trees will be sent out in late November. They will arrive in time for you to be part of London’s biggest ever planting weekend on 1 and 2 December 2018.

You’ll be helping the Woodland Trust and London’s Mayor to make London greener, and helping to create a UK rich in native woods and trees for people and wildlife, all whilst making your garden and neighbourhood look beautiful too.

These trees are being given out in support of The Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy. This is an initiative to mark The Queen’s lifetime of service to the Commonwealth and conserve indigenous forests across the Commonwealth’s 53 countries for future generations.

All applicants must be 18 years or over with a London borough residential address. Only applications submitted between 6am on 2 October and 12pm 5 November will be included.

Complete the form to be in with a chance

OWL at the Open Forum

A big thank you to everyone who attended this year’s Open Forum and contributed to making it a great success.

The speaker, Brian Walters, Deputy Chair Hillingdon Neighbourhood Watch introduced us to OWL which has recently been implemented Borough-wide. OWL will allow both the Police and Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators to quickly alert you, via a message to your email or mobile phone, to crimes in your immediate area enabling the Police and the public to work together in closer partnership. If you would like to know more or want to sign up go to  www.owl.co.uk


Hillingdon Council Electoral Review – 5th November deadline for comments

The Boundary Commission has started an electoral review of Hillingdon Borough ward boundaries. The consultation process started in August and is scheduled to run until 5th November. Thereafter, consultation on draft recommendations will run from January to March next year with the publication of final recommendations on 7th May.

The purpose of the review is to consider the number of councillors elected to the council, the number and names of wards, the ward boundaries and the number of councillors per ward. Hillingdon Council proposes an overall reduction of twelve councillors in the borough, from 65 to 53. The last major review was in 1999 and this review is scheduled for implementation in 2022.

Your ideas and views on changes to the current structure are encouraged. There is a widely held view that wards should be based on resident association areas as these seem to best describe local communities. You can provide feedback online or in writing. Full details can be found on the council’s website at https://www.hillingdon.gov.uk/article/34194

New website

We are pleased to announce that our new website for ERA is “live”. This is our new home for all things Eastcote – local events, news, everything you want or need to know about our area, and information about planning and other developments in Eastcote.

You can also submit your event and your news directly to our new website by following the links highlighted.

If you have any comments or suggestions – or even would like to get involved, then contact us

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