Air Quality Action Plan

Hillingdon Council have produced a draft Air Quality Action Plan part of their duty to London Local Air Quality Management.

The purpose of this plan is to protect the health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in the borough from the effects of air pollution. It outlines the actions they plan to take in improving air quality in Hillingdon between 2019 and 2024.

There is a local consultation to ensure residents, businesses and organisations are able to give their views on the draft plan and on any potential air quality issues in their own local areas. The Council will review the draft plan taking appropriate account of the consultation responses received.

They are inviting residents, businesses and organisations to take part via the “Have Your Say” link below, where they can find relevant information and a link to the online survey.

Have Your Say

Paper copies of the consultation are also available upon request to

This consultation closes on Friday 19 April 2019.

Proposed Eastcote Ward Boundary Consultation ends 18th March 2019

Last chance to have your say about the proposed new Eastcote Ward. There will be no further consultation…

Eastcote is currently split in the middle and across several Council Wards. As a result of discussions within the Hillingdon Alliance of Residents’ Associations it was decided that
• wards based on and named after locally recognisable communities was not only the way forward but highly desirable
• split high streets/conservation areas etc. were undesirable
• achieving this would not necessarily be the same as achieving electoral parity
and because of this last point
• existing Residents’ Association boundaries would remain unchanged.

The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has recommended that most of Eastcote becomes one ward, with its conservation areas and shopping centre intact. This is currently only a proposal and the Commission may make changes depending on what replies they receive, so it is just as important to let them know that you like the new arrangement as it is to suggest changes.

The new boundaries can be seen by using this link to an interactive map. It is very VERY slow to load so remember ‘patience is a virtue’. Use the box with arrows in to move the area you want to look at into the middle of the screen and then the + sign at the top of the map to zoom in and WAIT…

Further up the page is a green box ‘HAVE YOUR SAY’. Please take the time to respond, it is very quick. Name address and a small comments box – no long explanations necessary…

ERA Draft Response

Michael Sobell Hospice some good news (at last!)

Many people will know that the inpatient unit at Michael Sobell Hospice closed last year (the Day Centre has remained open).

This led to considerable protests locally. After two depressing meetings at the Hillingdon Council offices, which seemed to give very little hope, there was a meeting on 28th February which gave all present some hope.

We are now told that at least part of the inpatient unit should be reopened by mid summer 2019.

Heathrow Proposal – Deadline 4th March

AS A RESIDENT YOU HAVE A SAY: Use it by 4th March 2019 11.55pm

Have you checked to see if you will be affected by the proposed changes to the Airspace around Heathrow? Check here

The Department for Transport is redesigning the airspace over the South East of the UK, incorporating improved aircraft and navigation technology to modernise the UK’s airspace and this modernisation will take place regardless of whether or not there is a third runway at Heathrow.

It is proposed that the two current runways make use of an Independent Parallel Approaches system (IPA), which could increase the number of flights per hour, approaching over different and/or new neighbourhoods.

Heathrow’s aim of their current consultation is not to ask if people want to be overflown but to ask what people’s preferences are, where there is a choices to be made, for example, the pattern and duration of respite periods.

As an illustrative example only – over parts of Ruislip, flights per hour and noise levels

Runway Operating Height 6-7am 60dB+ after 7am 65dB+
IPA A1 North Westerly 4000-5000 0-25 0-25 0-6 0
IPA A2 South Westerly 6000-7000 0-25 0 0-6 0
IPA A3 South Easterly 7000+ 0-25 0 0-6 0

60dB is a conversation 1m away (we guess that depends on how loud they are talking!)
70dB is a vacuum cleaner 1m away.

The only way to see how you maybe affected is to key in your postcode. Then, if you want to comment, answer the online questions about how you would like to see these changes implemented. If you don’t want to answer a question you can always use the comments boxes, or just email your concerns directly to Heathrow Ltd. Please copy in your MP so that they can understand your concerns and represent your views.

No or few responses can be interpreted by Heathrow Ltd that you are happy with the proposed changes.

Airports must take into account your views, so give your constructive and considered opinion. If you don’t voice your opinion Heathrow can propose what they wish.

Contact emails:-
Boris Johnson – Uxbridge & South Ruislip –
Nick Hurd – Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner –

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