Show your council where you need safe space for social distancing

Cycling Space

Social distancing measures are set to be part of our lives for the foreseeable future. It’s absolutely vital that people are able to stay safe when cycling and walking, and to have the space they need to pass each other safely. Segregated cycling space is also hugely important for key workers travelling to hospitals, care homes and other essential workplaces.

Show your council where you need safe space for social distancing

It’s really easy, just use the map below, provided by Widen My Path, to identify where measures are needed in your area to enable people to walk and cycle safely as lockdown eases. You can also “agree” with other suggestions you think are good – just click on the pins to see the detail and click ‘agree’.

When you’re done, please email your council using our draft emails, to make sure they use this information when planning where to create safe space for walking and cycling. If you’re in Northern Ireland, there is no need to contact your council – we’ll be speaking directly to the Executive about Widen My Path.

Before you use Widen My Path, check if you’re council is already running their own consultation on the Active Travel Interventions Map below. If they are, you can also respond directly to them.


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To add new ideas to the map, simply:

1. Zoom in to where you want to place the pin. If you’re too zoomed out, you can’t place a new pin. Check nearby pins to make sure your idea hasn’t already been suggested

2. On the right hand side, select whether your suggestion relates to a cycle way, a pavement, or a road closure

3. Explain exactly what you think is needed, and why.

4. Share with friends, family and colleagues – higher engagement will show the council just how important this is.

It’s vital that people are able to walk and cycle safely during the lockdown and beyond. .

Safe space is also hugely important for key workers, many of whom are choosing to cycle to hospitals, care homes and other essential workplaces to avoid the risk of public transport. This will only become more urgent when the lockdown is eased and public transport, roads and pavements get busier.


What has been achieved already?

Over 10,000 people have  written to their council. Many local authorities closed streets for cycling and walking and create temporary bike lanes to hospitals. The map below shows where councils have taken measures to create safe space for social distancing. If the council hasn’t yet taken action, use the Widen My Path map above to show them where measures are needed, then let your council know.

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The Scottish Government has committed £10m to support councils to introduce these measures, while the Government at Westminster has put forward £225m for temporary measures, with details of a more funding coming soon. In Wales, the Welsh Government have made funds available for local authority applications, and in Northern Ireland the Department for Infrastructure – who have the power to make the changes – have also responded positively.

London School of Economics survey on housing density

We have been asked by at team at the LSE for their support with a survey (this was also featured on our website last month):

It is hard to find land in London to build on. One suggestion is to increase density – to allow more to be built on a piece of land. To this end, my colleagues and I at the London School of Economics have put together a survey to better understand what Outer London residents think about this.

Link to the survey:

The survey can be accessed by clicking on the link and then, after having read the instructions, by clicking ‘Continue’.  It consists of two parts. The first is a short questionnaire and the second contains a series of images for the participant to respond to. It should take about 4-6 minutes to complete. More detailed information, including a consent form, can be found on the survey’s introduction page. Participants are encouraged to complete the survey by 14 June. Responses will be anonymous. If there are any technical questions or issues, please feel free to email:

HS2 Tunnel Boring Machine Power Supply works

UK Power Networks works on behalf of HS2 at the Whitebear Roundabout, and down Ickenham Road towards Ruislip High Street start 6th June and continue to 4th July.

They will be working weekends to ensure that works in this area are completed as quickly as possible – to reduce inconvenience to traffic for prolonged periods of time.

Working hours will be from 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday, and 9am to 5pm on Sunday.

Traffic management will remain in place for the duration of the works.

Ruislip Lido

photos courtsey of
Harrow Times

Following many messages from residents, Cllr. Puddifoot has announced that the Lido Beach will be closed, once again, from Monday 1st June.

No date, or criteria for any future re-opening, have, as yet been confirmed.

Your Residents’ Association Needs You

Eastcote Residents’ Association (ERA) has been in continuous existence and “your voice in local affairs” for 90 years, so has a great deal of experience behind it.  The work of ERA is mainly carried out by a small committee and the Road Stewards.

The committee members and Road Stewards are all volunteers and yes, you’ve guessed it, you can never have too many volunteers! Modern life is ever busier – the more volunteers we have, the less arduous and time consuming the task.

Could you give some time, however little, to volunteer, either as a Road Steward, to help an existing committee member or even to take on a role of your own? Perhaps you have a particular area of interest, would like to help with the newsletter, take meeting notes, or have an organisational skill to offer? Please take a couple of minutes to think about the work we do and then, if you would like to join us or discuss this further send an email to

Police advice on Test and Trace scams

The Government Test and Trace service is extremely important in the fight against Coronavirus, and of course it’s vital that the public get on board with it.

Unfortunately, criminals will use the existence of this service to exploit every opportunity they can to defraud innocent people of their money, or steal their personal details, and will now seek to use Test and Trace as a vehicle to execute scams on the unwary.

The Metropolitan Police Cyber Crime Unit have therefore issued an advice sheet which you can download from the attached PDF.

NOTE:  If you have an elderly neighbour who is not online, then remember that scammers can use telephone methods with great ease on the elderly where health is concerned – so please take the time to print a copy of this single sheet to give to your neighbour.

COVID19 Test and Trace – Advice on scams

TfL update

From Monday 15 June, TfL are making temporary changes to the 60+ London Oyster card and the Older Person’s Freedom Pass during morning peak hours.

These changes are being introduced following TfL’s funding agreement with Government which required temporary restrictions for customers with these concession cards.

Passengers with a 60+ Oyster card, Older Person’s Freedom Pass, or English National Concessionary Scheme pass will not be able to use these cards before 09:00 on weekday mornings. This is to enable social distancing on the public transport network and help control the spread of coronavirus.

Freedom cards will continue to be valid at all other times on weekdays and all day on weekends and Bank Holidays. Disabled Freedom Pass holders are not affected by these changes and can continue to use their card at all times.

Where possible, we ask you to avoid travelling immediately after 09:00 to help reduce crowding in buses and trains, where the available space has effectively been reduced to allow for social distancing. If you have no option other than to use public transport during the morning peak period, we recommend that you travel using pay as you go with a contactless card or device or an Oyster card. For more information, please visit

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