What’s invading your rivers?

Have you seen an “space invader” in your river? Have you heard of non native invasive species? Join Chloe next Wednesday evening for a free online workshop to learn more.

Our rivers, waterways and river banks are under attack by “space invaders” that threaten to disrupt and damage our rivers and green spaces.  These invaders – Floating Pennywort, Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed, and Japanese Knotweed – are non-native invasive species (NNIS) which can significantly impact plant biodiversity, human health, and economic interests.

Join us for a free online workshop exploring each species covering their identification techniques, impacts on the natural ecosystem and how you can help. The workshop will be held online via Zoom and a link will be sent out prior to the workshop beginning.

Confirm your place via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/colne-valley-regional-park-19844437444.

UK Power Networks work in Eastcote

UKPN are working on the HS2 power supply route at the Deane Croft Road/Field End Road/Meadow Way junction from 20th August.

The plan is to start in Meadow Way and move on to Deane Croft Road. It is planned for the trench works to be on the south side of both roads, however as always if there are any changes due to unknown obstructions they may have to change this whilst on site.

They will cross the junction and extend 15m along Meadow Way and Deane Croft Road to ensure that when they come back to do the rest of the route, the traffic at the junction is affected as little as possible by the Traffic Management and works.

For more information, please see, UKPN ERA Website or  visit https://hs2inhillingdon.commonplace.is/schemes/proposals/works-in-your-area/details.


Royal British Legion Remembers

Despite the pandemic, the Eastcote Branch of the Royal British Legion has continued to lay wreaths at the War Memorial on key dates to honour those that have given their lives in conflict.

A short socially distanced ceremony was held at Eastcote War Memorial at 11.00 am on Saturday 15th August to commemorate the 75thanniversary of the end of World War 2.

For further information and news about

Eastcote Royal British Legion please go here or on Facebook at Royal British Legion Eastcote Branch.

To find out more about  this year’s Poppy Appeal please go  here.

UK Power Networks work in Eastcote

UKPN are working on the HS2 power supply route at the Deane Croft Road/Field End Road/Meadow Way junction from 20th August.

The plan is to start in Meadow Way and move on to Deane Croft Road. It is planned for the trench works to be on the south side of both roads, however as always if there are any changes due to unknown obstructions they may have to change this whilst on site.

They will cross the junction and extend 15m along Meadow Way and Deane Croft Road to ensure that when they come back to do the rest of the route, the traffic at the junction is affected as little as possible by the Traffic Management and works.

For more information, please see, UKPN ERA Website or  visit https://hs2inhillingdon.commonplace.is/schemes/proposals/works-in-your-area/details.


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