HS2 works for TBM power supply

As of 30th October the information available regarding these works is as follows:

Location E – F: Westholme Gardens from Junction of Windmill Hill to Junction of East Way (Complete)
Location F – G: Westholme Gardens in progress, the Uplands(?) and Myrtle Avenue (Planned 08/11/20 for 3 weeks)
Location G – H: Lime Grove and Hawthorne Avenue (Planned 24/11/20 – 08/01/21)
Location H – I: Meadow Way to Field End Road Crossing (Originally planned from 27/10/20 – 16/11/20).
Location I: Junction of Field End Road – Deane Croft Road and Meadow Way (Complete)

This work is now due to start on the 1st December with a completion date of the 20th December 2020:

Phase one – hard closure of Meadow Way between Field End Road and Deane Way.
Phase two – Two-way lights between Deane Way and Maple Close
Phase three – Three-way lights between Maple Close and Hawthorne Avenue.
Location I – J: Deane Croft Road (Planned 12/11/20 – 11/12/20)
Location J – K: Rushdene Road (Planned 11/01/21 – 18/01/21)

Further information:  https://www.eastcoteresidents.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/HS2-TBM-schedule-Aug2020.pdf

If you require further information your first port of call is to search for HS2 Commonplace Hillingdon and scroll down to TBM Power supply route.

Then if you do not feel you have found the correct answer please email both HS2 Helpdesk HS2enquiries@hs2.org.uk and UKPN care@ukpowernetworks.co.uk copying in chair@eastcotera.co.uk. It would of course be very helpful if you also forwarded their reply to ERA using the chair email address.

CONTACTING UKPN DURING WORKS -Should anyone need to contact UKPN during their works they can be contacted Monday to Friday 0800 028 4587 or care@ukpowernetworks.co.uk

Should there be any sort of emergency please call their 24 hour helpline on 0800 316 3105 or 105 from a landline or mobile.

Ruislip Woods news

Hillingdon Council has invested £88,000 to acquire a further 30 acres of ancient semi-natural woodland in Ruislip Woods, to manage and protect for future generations to enjoy.

The council worked with Ruislip Woods Trust to acquire Copse Wood, which will become part of the council-owned Ruislip Woods National Nature Reserve. The nature reserve consists of 726 acres and constitutes 10 per cent of ancient, semi-natural woodland in Greater London.

Further information at https://www.hillingdon.gov.uk/article/6023/Council-protects-ancient-woodland-for-future-generations


Poppy Appeal and Remembrance events

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal is running differently this year due to Covid safe guarding regulations.

Poppies can be obtained and donations made at:

  • Eastcote Pharmacy 109 Field End Road Eastcote
  • Hammond Roberts 136 Field End Road Eastcote
  • Youngs Newsagents 205 Field End Road Eastcote
  • Royal British Legion Southbourne Gardens Eastcote (Mon-Thu 4-10pm, Fri-Sun 12-10pm)
  • Sainsbury’s Long Drive South Ruislip
  • Asda 6 Old Dairy Lane South Ruislip
  • Aldi Unit 1 Victoria Retail Park South Ruislip
  • Sainsbury’s 12 Barters Walk Pinner
  • M & S Simply Food 4 Bishops Walk Pinner
  • Authorised Collectors will be at Eastcote / Ruislip Manor / South Ruislip / Pinner station at various times (26 Oct – 07 Nov).

The London Borough of Hillingdon (LBH) has arranged for Remembrance Maroons to be launched from 11 sites across the borough at 11am on the 11th November.  https://www.hillingdon.gov.uk/remembrance

Residents are asked to commemorate from the safety of their own homes and strongly advised that any visits to memorials are made at times other than Remembrance Sunday or Armistice Day.

Hillingdon Council’s Licensing Policy

Licensing Act 2003

The Council is required to review its Statement of Licensing Policy at regular intervals to ensure that it is carrying out licensing functions in accordance with current legislation.

During this review, consideration has been given to how changes might improve the way in which services are being delivered, to make them more efficient and customer friendly.

The Licensing Act 2003 controls sales of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. The Council is required by Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003 to review the Statement of Licensing Policy every five years. Hillingdon’s current policy was adopted by Full Council in January 2016 and is therefore due for review.

The regular review and adoption of the Statement of Licensing Policy ensures that the  licensing framework are up to date and effective in ensuring a safe and regulated environment for users of licensed premises.

They are now seeking views on the draft proposed Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026.

The consultation period is between Monday 5th October and midnight on Sunday 22nd November 2020

Please find more information and how you can make comments by clicking on the following link:


Dr Deesha Chadha OBE

Eastcote Residents Association are delighted to announce that our committee member Dr. Deesha Chadha has been appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in the Queen’s Birthday honours list.

The OBE has been awarded for services to faith communities in recognition of Deesha’s contribution to interfaith dialogue and harmony, exhibited through her work with Faiths Forum for London, and the Hindu Forum of Britain

Deesha said, “It is an honour to receive this title. Unfortunately, the significance of my efforts to unite communities was once again highlighted with police forces recording nearly three times more hate crime offences between January and March during the COVID-19 crisis, than that of the previous two years.”

“Now more than ever, we must come together. Only through our joint efforts, as a single humanity of all faiths and none, can we overcome the challenges of this virus. I urge everyone to show compassion during this time and offer their support to friends, neighbours and strangers. I point to the local humanitarian work of places of worship in Harrow and across the nation as an example to us all. We must provide support to everyone in need – compassion has no room for prejudice.”

The Royal British Legion Fields Of Remembrance 2020

The Tributes planted in our Fields of Remembrance each carry a personal message to someone who lost their life in Service for our country.

Every year we take great care and attention in planting thousands of personal Tributes made by members of the public throughout the UK. This year will be no different and we are determined that COVID-19 will not stop us honouring those who sacrificed so much for us all.

You can support the Poppy Appeal by text or scan:
To donate £2 text POPPY2 to 70545 *
To donate £5 text POPPY5 to 70545 *
To donate £10 text POPPY10 to 70545 *
You will be charged £2, £5, or £10 plus one message at your standard network rate. The Royal  British Legion will receive 100%. We will contact you by text on the mobile number you used to give you the opportunity to let us know how you would like to be contacted in the future and to find out whether you would like to add Gift Aid to your donation.

Dedicate A Tribute

This year, we are also launching our virtual Field of Remembrance, where you can virtually plant your Tribute from home, and explore other Tributes made to remember the fallen. To dedicate a tribute in 2020:

Complete The Online Form at:  https://mcas-proxyweb.eu.cas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fdonations.britishlegion.org.uk.eu.cas.ms%2Flrx%2F

Choose Your Tribute Type

Leave a personal message

Choose the Field of Remembrance where you want your Tribute to be planted, and you can also choose to add your Tribute to our Virtual Field of Remembrance

Visit Our Virtual Field Of Remembrance

Remember and honour the fallen by leaving a Tribute in our virtual Field of Remembrance. This year, you can virtually plant your Tribute from the comfort of your home.

Row upon row of Tributes with their scarlet poppies, personal messages and photographs bring home to all of us that Remembrance is a deeply important and personal event.

While it is our current hope to plant Tributes in the same way as we have done for over 90 years, if location or national restrictions are in place which means this is not possible, we will plant your Tribute in another Field or on our virtual Field of Remembrance.

For any queries please email dedicate@britishlegion.org.uk or call us on 0345 845 1945.

Create Your Tribute

Your Tribute and donation will help to support members of the Armed Forces community. During these current challenging and difficult times, we need your help more than ever.

Visiting The Fields Of Remembrance

Each November, we welcome members of the public from across the UK, to join us and honour the memory of loved ones who we have sadly lost, serving in our Armed Forces.

The Fields of Remembrance are officially opened with a special Remembrance service where we honour The Two Minute Silence at 11.00 am.

A bugler plays the Last Post and the Exhortation is read. All the fields are open during daylight hours. Due to the current restrictions, we have made the difficult decision to close all of our opening services to protect the public, staff, and volunteers.

All Fields will be open after the Service from 1.00 pm. Please note that on 11 November (Armistice Day), the Fields can be very crowded.

Find out more about each of the Fields of Remembrance and their location:


Jeff Duley
Eastcote Royal British Legion Branch Chairman & Membership Secretary


This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you may see less of The Royal British Legion’s devoted volunteer Poppy Appeal collectors in your local communities, but you can help family, friends, and neighbours to get hold of their poppy and contribute to the Appeal.

You can request 20 poppies free of charge by completing the form in the safe link below. You can then give them to your friends and family and ask them for a donation to support our Armed Forces community.

Along with the poppies, you will also receive information on how you and those you share your poppies with can give as well as how to distribute the poppy safely and ensure everyone can wear the poppy with pride.

Please ensure you request your envelope by 5 November to ensure you receive it before Remembrance.

Once they have received your order, please allow 2-3 working days for them to confirm your order by email.


For more information please visit Eastcote Branch Facebook page



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