HS2 – M25 roadworks Denham to Maple Cross

from HS2: Off-peak and overnight survey works on M25, Denham to Maple Cross.  HS2 contractors Align JV will be carrying out temporary survey works on the M25 on both the clockwise and anticlockwise carriageways between Junction 16 (Denham Interchange) and Junction 17 (Maple Cross
Interchange).  The survey work, which will be carried out in phases during the daytime and overnight, will last for about three weeks. Works will start on Monday 12 April and are planned until Monday 3 May 2021.  Details of the phasing, dates and carriageways affected are listed in the attached: M25 Align surveyworks April21 AWN.docx

Please Report Surface Water Flooding

Thames Water do not think that there is a problem with drains in the area.  However, several instances of them being called to clear drains which were leading to localised flooding suggest otherwise.  It is therefore up to residents to report all localised flooding every time it happens.

The sewer flooding questionnaire from Thames Water should be filled in to record every event.

Please also see Flooding – Hillingdon Council.  This site has lots of links about responsibilities, what to do to prepare yourself and your property, as well as who to contact during a flood event.

Police advice – DPD Delivery Scam

Please be aware of a DPD scam that the Police Community Support team have been made aware of.

The scam involved an email being received apparently from DPD stating that they tried to deliver a parcel and that the link provided should be clicked on to update the delivery address and/or details.

There is apparently a reference number that is provided and text at the top of the email that reads:- “Important information regarding delivery of your order – ‘Payment receipt return’- ‘Item (Then there is a reference number provided)”

Under the text mentioned above a parcel number is provided directly under. The email has two parcel numbers that are different from each other.

When these parcel numbers are put in the official DPD site, they cannot be traced. The email also has inconsistencies with upper case and lower case letters.

Pease stay alert and do not click on any links provided if you receive a similar email to what has been mentioned.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: c091814@met.police.uk

Gemma Robinson
Police Community Support Officer

HS2: Updated Notice of closures at Breakspear Road South, 22 March to 29 March 2021

HS2 will require additional time to complete the works – extending by one week, and additionally a night time full road closure on 29 March. This is to ensure that the installation of traffic barriers and bell mouth access can be carried out safely.

This is an update to a previous notification sent in February 2021.  For further information please see the updated works notification.

If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk

HS2 works update

HS2 and UK Power Networks have advised as follows:

UK Power Networks works in the highway

During the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, UK Power Networks, in conjunction with both Harrow and Hillingdon London Boroughs, prioritised work at road junctions due to vehicle numbers being significantly reduced in the area. Works are nearly complete for the duct installation. We are now moving into the joint bay works.

Joint Bays and Cable Pulling starting feb 2021

Latest updates at https://hs2inhillingdon.commonplace.is/proposals/tunnel-boring-machine-power-supply-route

Once these works for installing ducts are complete, we will have to come back at 14 locations across the route to install our cable. The places we will be revisiting will be approximately 50m in length each and will be there around a month at a time. The planned start date is February 2021 in Harrow and we will work towards Hillingdon opening two joint bays at a time to allow for the cable pull between the two. These works area planned to continue until June 2021.

Letter drops will be provided for affected residents and businesses in the area.

At present we are carrying out 11kV cable pulling works in Clacks Lane in order to power the site supplies for the UK Power Networks substation and SCS welfare at the West Ruislip TBM portal. These works will allow a number of the generators on site to be removed.

The joint bays can be found at the these locations. Planned dates for 2021 are below:














Transformer deliveries – West Ruislip TBM Portal
As part of the substation installation, we will have 2no. Electrical Voltage Transformers delivered to our site. These transformers will change the incoming voltage from 33kV down to 11kV so that we can eventually power the Tunnel Boring Machines at their required voltages.

Our transformers will be delivered at the weekend as they are coming directly from their delivery port, as they have been shipped from overseas. They are delivered through the night due to the load and will arrive at the West Ruislip portal in the morning in each instance. The works to install these transformers will be carried out across the following weekends:

Transformer 1 delivery: Saturday 13th March and Sunday 14th March 

Transformer 2 delivery: Saturday 27th March and Sunday 28th March

At present, these dates are planned with our suppliers, however should there be any changes to the delivery due to freight passing the UK border we will update all residents and businesses accordingly.

from Affinity water

Affinity Water urges customers to get in touch for help with bills

Affinity Water has a range of measures in place to help customers who may be struggling to pay their bill?
They are currently running a campaign to urge customers to get in touch to see how they can support them.

Households on low incomes or who receive certain benefits or have a medical condition that require the extra use of water may be eligible for a range of different tariffs that we have in place to support those most in need.
Anyone who has been affected financially by coronavirus may also be eligible for payment breaks, different tariffs or spreading the cost of their bill.
We know this has been a very challenging time for many of our customers and we want to let them know that we are here to help.
We want to make it easy for everyone affected to get the support they need as quickly as possible and we are asking your help to get the message out to the people you represent.

We are urging customers who have been affected financially by Covid-19 or are struggling to pay their bill to visit www.affinitywater.co.uk/help

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