HS2 works update

From 17 May 2021, HS2 will be carrying out utility surveys and utility connection along Harvil Road as part of the road realignment works.  Temporary traffic management and lane closures will be required to ensure the works can be carried out safely.

They will work during off peak hours and out of hours where possible to minimise disruption.
They do not expect services to be interrupted however the utility company concerned will provide pre-notification to affected households if an interruption becomes necessary.
For further information please see HS2 works notification.
If you have a question about HS2 or their works,
please contact HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.

proposals to close the Mount Vernon Cancer Care Centre

Ruth Boff has provided an update from David Simmonds, MP on the proposals to close the Mount Vernon Cancer Care Centre:

“l recently met with the team at NHS England who are leading on this project and I do understand the issues which are at play. There was previously a clinician led review of the site, and they made a number of recommendations for how the cancer centre needs to be running going forward.

The first of these was a change in admissions policy. The reason for this is that far too many patients were being admitted and then later requiring transfer to another site. This admissions policy has now been changed but it does expose some of the other long term problems.

The second recommendation was that the cancer centre needs to be run but a specialist cancer trust and not a genera/ hospital trust. This is now in the process of taking place and from next year the site will no longer be run by East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust and will transfer to UCLH. This will not affect the on the ground staffing as the clinical team will remain the same, it is just a change of management with better specialism.

The final and most significant change is connected to the first point and that is that the Centre needs to be located an acute site. The reason for this is because as populations are getting older, more patients are also living with other illnesses or conditions which require treatment alongside their cancer treatment. Furthermore, when complications that arise from these therapies, patients require acute clinical opinions from other specialties. This cannot be provided for at Mount Vernon and so hence the need a new site.

The NHS have been open about the options this presents. The first option is a complete move to a new acute site and the second is a majority move with a smaller day centre remaining. This second option is obviously the best case scenario from our point of view and is the option I have now been pushing for. At present this is the preferred option within the NHS.

In terms of the move, the emerging option which looks to be most suitable is to have the centre located at Watford. This centre would be a standalone centre, within its own building and would continue to be run by UCLH. However, it would offer an enhanced service from what it is currently able to offer. Some of the sickest patients are currently having to travel into London for because of the limitations of the existing site and facilities.

I will be honest with the fact that the most affected patients are going to be those living in Hillingdon.  However, given the size of the Mount Vernon catchment area, and that only 14% of their patients are from Hillingdon we need to be realistic about where the most appropriate site might be. The team on this review have done a lot of research on travel times to all of the possible options and that is why Watford is appearing to be the preferred option. Given all this context, I think the most effective thing to do is to ensure we retain the day centre as has been discussed.

If the move did go ahead, it would be included as part of the new hospital at Watford. These plans are in their early days but I believe this would include a new multi-storey carpark to aid with both the availability and accessibility of carparking there. I also want to stress that while the majority of the services would move to Watford, it would be self contained in its own centre separate from the main General Hospital. We are also hoping for a small day centre to remain at Mount Vernon as well.

I am continuing to follow this all closely and a full public consultation is due to launch in June this year ahead of a final decision being made in October but this is where my thoughts are currently at. “

HS2 updates and interactive map of works

HS2 have produced an interactive map showing the works they are carrying out:
HS2 interactive map of works

Please note that the map does NOT include works being carried out for HS2 by UK power networks (i.e. it does not include any of the works in Eastcote)

There is also a text only view

HS2 have also advised revised dates for works:

Harvil Road Lane closure:   (utility works from 19 to 30 April 2021). They have rearranged these dates and the works will now take place from 26 to 30 April 2021.
For further information please see updated works notification.

Night work near the Chiltern Line: (sheet piling works from 1 to 16 April 2021). They have rearranged these dates and the works will now take place from 3 to 15 May.
For further information please see updated works notification.

Notice of night works at West End Road:  (utility surveys from 13 to 16 April 2021). They have rearranged these dates and the surveys will now take place from 26 April to 5 May 2021.
For further information please see our update works notification.

If you have a question about HS2 or their works, please contact HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk

road resurfacing on Kings College Road

As part of this year’s planned carriageway resurfacing programme, work starts on Kings College Road (between Eastcote Road and Evelyn Avenue) the week commencing 12 April 2021.

Advance Notices have been placed on the street giving the actual start date.

The hours of working will be 8.00 am to 5.00 pm, (Monday to Saturday ).

The start date and duration period may be subject to change due to prevailing weather conditions or unforeseen issues.

Temporary closure High Road Eastcote 15-16 May



1. Hillingdon Council gives notice that to enable main renewal works to be
carried out by Affinity Water and to prevent the likelihood of danger to the
public it made this Order, which will temporarily close High Road, Eastcote
from the junction of Catlin’s Lane to the junction of Larkswood Rise.

2. Diversion route will be in place Cuckoo Hill, Rickmansworth Road, Pinner
Road, Joel Street, High Road and Vice Versa.
Nothing in the Order shall apply to prevent vehicular access to premises on or
adjacent to the prohibited length of road insofar as access is reasonably
practicable without interference with the said works.

3. The temporary restriction will be in operation between 08:00hrs on the 15th
May 2021 to 17:30hrs, on the 16th May 2021 and to such extent as indicated
by traffic signs prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General
Directions 2002. Road users should assume that the closure has been put
into effect only if traffic signs have been erected stating that the road has
been closed and the diversion route, if necessary is in place.

4. The Order, which is proposed will come into operation on 15th May 2021, will
continue in force for eighteen months or until work to which it relates is
completed. However it is anticipated that the works will be completed within 2
Dated this 6 day of April 2021
Perry Scott
Director of Infrastructure, Building Services & Transport

Eastcote War memorial garden

you may have seen the colourful and uplifting display of flowers in the Eastcote War Memorial Garden. A short video can be viewed on the Eastcote RBL Branch Facebook page.

Many compliments have been received

Stay safe.

Jeff Duley
Chairman & Membership Secretary
Eastcote RBL Branch

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