Closure of Breakspear Rd South

We have been advised by Network Rail that last Wednesday 17th November, there was a strike to the Network Rail Chiltern Line Bridge, where it passes over Breakspear Road South.  The bridge was struck by a Heavy Goods Vehicle approaching from the south.

Network Rail has advised that they will use their emergency powers to close Breakspear Road South tomorrow 25 November from Breakspear Arms to Swakeleys Road.  The closure will last for 7 days during which they will carry out the necessary examination and repairs.

The HGV was not undertaking HS2 related works.  Please note that this road closure will affect the current Celandine Way diversion as this route passes under the Chiltern Line Bridge. We may need to close this diversion for safety reasons.

HS2 works update


HS2 works updates

The latest works updates from HS2:

Main site activities in the West Ruislip area –

Main site activities in the Colne Valley Viaduct area –

Main site activities in the Harvil Road & Copthall area –

Main site activities in the Breakspear Road area –

Vehicle theft

The Metropolitan Police Crime Data Dashboard shows that over the past two years there have been an average of 73 motor vehicle thefts reported per month across our Borough.

90% of vehicle thefts in the UK are of keyless vehicles by means of “relay theft” (Source: Tracker Network UK).  This method can be easily thwarted by vehicle owners, so it’s time for a reminder of the steps that keyless car owners can take to avoid this.

Please click on the links below for more information – note that we can only mention products that are Police Approved (Secured by Design):

  • A Physical Locking Device for the steering wheel.  This tells the thief that entry to the vehicle will result in another hurdle to tackle.
  • A Faraday Bag into which the keys can be placed (one for the main set and one for the spare) – these must still be kept some distance from the front door and must be completely closed, and inspected for damage which could cause the signal to be leaked.
  • An electronic Fob Protector that turns key fobs off automatically when they are stationary for 20 seconds, at which point the fob “goes to sleep” until moved again and cannot be woken by relay theft.  There is a 15% discount code available to members of Hillingdon NHW until 31st December,
  • If all owners of keyless vehicles take at least one of these measures as a result of this OWL message, the number of offences across Hillingdon should start to fall.

NOTE: Please do NOT post the coupon code for the Fob Protector on Social Media or Voucher Sites – thank you!

Please note that HNW has no financial affiliations with any of the companies mentioned; this message is circulated to highlight Police Approved products to assist the Police with crime prevention on our Borough.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:

Dave Ludlow
Community Coordinator

HS2 works updates

Tenant and Leaseholders Survey 2021

Hillingdon Council are conducting their second Tenant and Leaseholders Survey and would like to invite Tenants and Leaseholder to have your say. Your views are important to us, so we would like to hear from you.

Please click the link, which is open until 30th December 2021.

Taking part is totally private and confidential and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.  The results of this survey will be collated and published online.

If assistance is needed completing the survey, or a large print version is required or in another language, please contact the Customer Engagement Team by telephone on 01895 277038 or email  

HS2 works update

Main site activities in the Breakspear Road area –

Main site activities in the West Ruislip area –

Main site activities in the Harvil Road & Copthall area –

Main site activities in the Colne Valley Viaduct area –


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