Eastcote Police Engagement Dates

11th July 2-3pm Tag Café, Field End Road.

12th July 2-3pm Aldi, Field End Road.

19th July 2-3pm Tag Café, Field End Road.

29th July 2-3pm Aldi, Field End Road.

30th July 11.15-12.45pm Eastcote Library- Crime Prevention talk

Come along and speak to your local officers regarding any issues you may have.

May 2022 Hillingdon Cyber Crime Report

This week it was revealed that Britain now suffers losses to fraud approaching £3billion a year – and nearly three out of four adults have already been targeted by a scammer this year.  It is therefore very important to stay alert and to avoid simply giving your money away to these fraudsters.

If you have elderly or vulnerable relatives, please warn them to be alert to these scams.  Also remind them about doorstep callers and the need to Stop – Chain – Check before they answer.

The latest report for Hillingdon can be found here.


HS2 works update

Please see the works updates as follows:

Main site activities in the Colne Valley Viaduct area – https://www.hs2.org.uk/work-items/main-site-activities-in-the-colne-valley-viaduct-area/

Main site activities in the Harvil Road & Copthall area – https://www.hs2.org.uk/work-items/main-site-activities-in-the-harvil-road-area/

Main site activities in the Breakspear Road area – https://www.hs2.org.uk/work-items/main-site-activities-in-the-breakspear-road-area/

Main site activities in the West Ruislip area – https://www.hs2.org.uk/work-items/main-site-activities-in-the-west-ruislip-area/

Main site activities in South Ruislip area – https://www.hs2.org.uk/work-items/main-site-activities-in-the-south-ruislip-area/

A wonderful Jubilee Fete.

Congratulations to Friends of Eastcote House Gardens and all involved in the organisation of the Jubilee Fete at Eastcote House Gardens.

ERA was there.  It was nice to see and speak to so many people. Since we have been unable to collect subscriptions on the doorstep for the last two years, we are encouraging as many people as possible to pay by Direct Debit.  Please visit  the ERA home page to find out more about us and pay your subscription.

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