North West London NHS Coronavirus response

Happy New Year to all from the North West London Clinical Commissioning Groups. Welcome to the first issue of our newsletter for 2021.

Rates of coronavirus have continued to rise across the country which unfortunately means we begin the year with another national lockdown. Please stay at home – this is the single most important action we can all take to protect our NHS and save lives. You must not leave your home unless necessary and stay two metres apart from anyone not in your household or bubble.

The NHS continues to remain open and so if you have a physical or mental health concern it’s important you continue to get in touch and access our services. Rest assured that attending medical appointments is still deemed as essential travel. If you have an urgent but non life-threatening medical need, you should contact NHS 111 First. We also provide information on accessing your GP during this time.

In this issue, we share an update with you on the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine. We are aware that there is a new scam and people have been receiving suspicious calls and text messages offering the COVID-19 vaccination. Please take note of the things that we will never ask you to do. We encourage you to also continue getting your flu jab during the winter season.

We also share details on a payment scheme that offers support if you can’t work from home should you need to self-isolate.


To read the full newsletter please click here

Covid vaccination locations in Hillingdon

Newly-appointed Council Leader Ian Edwards gave an update on the vaccination programme’s progress in the Borough to Hilllingdon’s Council Meeting on January 14.

Cllr Edwards revealed that Hillingdon will host three of the ten mass vaccination centres planned for the North West London region.

They were listed as the Sir Winston Churchill Hall in Ruislip, and the Compass Centre at Heathrow Airport, which are expected to be up and running by February 1.  A third site is yet to be confirmed in Hayes.

Cllr Edwards said eventually the three sites will be able to vaccinate 10,000 people a day.

These centres will add to the existing small vaccination sites running in the Borough – Ruislip Young People’s Centre and the Navnat Centre Hayes.

Hillingdon for All

Hillingdon4All continues to provide support to residents in Eastcote.  Please contact them if you need their services or advice.

If you have been supported through the Covidhub and have any questions about how that support is changing then please contact them by email or on 020 3949 5786

Show your council where you need safe space for social distancing

Cycling Space

Social distancing measures are set to be part of our lives for the foreseeable future. It’s absolutely vital that people are able to stay safe when cycling and walking, and to have the space they need to pass each other safely. Segregated cycling space is also hugely important for key workers travelling to hospitals, care homes and other essential workplaces.

Show your council where you need safe space for social distancing

It’s really easy, just use the map below, provided by Widen My Path, to identify where measures are needed in your area to enable people to walk and cycle safely as lockdown eases. You can also “agree” with other suggestions you think are good – just click on the pins to see the detail and click ‘agree’.

When you’re done, please email your council using our draft emails, to make sure they use this information when planning where to create safe space for walking and cycling. If you’re in Northern Ireland, there is no need to contact your council – we’ll be speaking directly to the Executive about Widen My Path.

Before you use Widen My Path, check if you’re council is already running their own consultation on the Active Travel Interventions Map below. If they are, you can also respond directly to them.


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To add new ideas to the map, simply:

1. Zoom in to where you want to place the pin. If you’re too zoomed out, you can’t place a new pin. Check nearby pins to make sure your idea hasn’t already been suggested

2. On the right hand side, select whether your suggestion relates to a cycle way, a pavement, or a road closure

3. Explain exactly what you think is needed, and why.

4. Share with friends, family and colleagues – higher engagement will show the council just how important this is.

It’s vital that people are able to walk and cycle safely during the lockdown and beyond. .

Safe space is also hugely important for key workers, many of whom are choosing to cycle to hospitals, care homes and other essential workplaces to avoid the risk of public transport. This will only become more urgent when the lockdown is eased and public transport, roads and pavements get busier.


What has been achieved already?

Over 10,000 people have  written to their council. Many local authorities closed streets for cycling and walking and create temporary bike lanes to hospitals. The map below shows where councils have taken measures to create safe space for social distancing. If the council hasn’t yet taken action, use the Widen My Path map above to show them where measures are needed, then let your council know.

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The Scottish Government has committed £10m to support councils to introduce these measures, while the Government at Westminster has put forward £225m for temporary measures, with details of a more funding coming soon. In Wales, the Welsh Government have made funds available for local authority applications, and in Northern Ireland the Department for Infrastructure – who have the power to make the changes – have also responded positively.

Support available

H4All is a free service provided in conjunction with Hillingdon Council and is here to help if you are self isolating. H4All can:

  • pick up your shopping
  • provide someone to chat to on the phone
  • post your mail
  • arrange prescription delivery
  • walk your dog
  • collect essential medical equipment

You can call H4All on 020 3949 5786 or email

More information is available at and if you would like to volunteer to engage with wider activity with the aim of supporting residents please contact: 


ERA does not presume to know enough about the current epidemic to be able to offer advice.

A corona virus webpage has been set up on the Council website, which will be regularly updated.

Our local councillors have informed us that the Council are working with ‘Hillingdon for All’, to manage the volunteer effort that will be needed.

If you have local information to share that would help other local residents please tell us about it so we can pass it on:



HUNDREDS of local people descended on Michael Sobell Hospice, Mount Vernon Hospital, on Saturday morning, to attend the grand re-opening of the Hospice Inpatient Unit (IPU) after the completion of a three-month refurbishment and redevelopment project.

The Hospice IPU, which closed due to health and safety issues 18 months ago, is now fully refurbished and will see patients from as early as the New Year.

Those attending the reopening included Mayor of Hillingdon, Cllr David Yarrow, Mayoress Mary O’Connor MBE, Chair of Michael Sobell Hospice Charity (MSHC) Trustees, Michael Breen, Steve Curry, Chief Executive of Harlington Hospice, and staff, volunteers, supporters and members of the public.

Michael Breen commented: “The community visited our Hospice this weekend and the comments by so many have been just fabulous. We are so happy that the refurbishment has been received in this way, but now the hard work really begins, which is to fundraise to ensure the future of hospice care at Michael Sobell Hospice. Together, with Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group, Michael Sobell Hospice Charity provides the funding for Harlington Hospice to provide the care for local patients.”

He added: “This is the start of a new journey for Michael Sobell Hospice Charity and the new team of trustees, and we hope the community will re-engage and support our efforts in fundraising, to keep this vital service available for everyone who may need it.”

Representatives from new service provider Harlington Hospice, were also in attendance on the day. Steve Curry, Chief Executive said: “All the feedback was great on what we have all achieved with the building, from everyone who visited on Saturday. We are looking forward to caring for patients and their families in the New Year.”

For further information about Michael Sobell Hospice Charity, visit:

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