Ask your council for cycle space during lockdown

The UK Government has made £250 million available to councils like yours, telling them that they’re expected to make significant changes to their road layouts and give more space to cyclists and pedestrians, to help people move around safely as the lockdown is eased.

Meanwhile, the Scottish Government has also made £10 million available to local authorities for temporary cycling and walking infrastructure with the Welsh Government similarly making funds available and inviting councils to apply.

With money now available to local authorities from governments across Britain and governments beginning to discuss plans for easing the lockdown, there’s no excuse for delay.

That’s why I’m writing to ask for your help to get your council to ask for the cash and start installing pop-up cycle lanes, widening pavements and taking other measures to help people socially distance whilst walking and cycling as lockdown restrictions start to ease.

We’ve made this really easy by creating two editable letters. If you have the time, you can edit the letters and add your own suggestions about what’s needed in your area or google search for your local cycling campaign group and see if they’ve made any suggestions you want to include.

If you want space for people to walk and cycle, and space to socially distance, please ask your council to take action now.

Thanks, as always, for your incredible support.

Duncan Dollimore,

Head of Campaigns and Advocacy

Cycling UK

Invitation to participate in study on density

It is hard to find land in London to build on. One suggestion is to increase density – to allow more to be built on a piece of land.

To this end, my colleagues and I at the London School of Economics have put together a survey to better understand what Outer London residents think about this.

The survey can be accessed by clicking on this link and then, after having read the instructions, by clicking ‘Continue’. It consists of two parts. The first is a short questionnaire and the second contains a series of images for the participant to respond to. More detailed information, including a consent form, can be found on the survey’s introduction page. Participants are encouraged to complete the survey by May 31. If there are any technical questions or issues, please feel free to email me.

Link to the survey:

Recent Flooding in Eastcote

It is my personal opinion that the rainfall and flooding experienced last week in Eastcote was greater than that in 2016.

The total rainfall over the area as a whole has triggered the need for the council as Lead Local Flood Authority to compile a report on the areas which flooded, what happened, what can be done to improve the situation.

To make sure that any surface water flooding you experienced is included in this report then please email the council and copy us at ERA – click here to do this 

If you wish to go one step further you can fill in the online forms by following the two links below which were provided by the council. These forms will ask questions about where the water came from, what it looked like and why you think it collected where it did. Photos welcomed. It is extremely helpful in obtaining useful outcomes and in some cases funding if you report flooding because, for example, Thames Water who are the second link below only log reports received directly from those affected.

Click here to report flooding to Hillingdon Council

Click here to report flooding to Thames water

Please contact me if you have any further questions or concerns

Alison Holtorp, Chairman of Eastcote Residents Association

The Figure shows historical press coverage beginning with several  inter-war period report. Title Tuesday’s Floods (Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 29th Nov1927. Title Snow and Flood (Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 4th Jan 1928. Title Eastcote, Advertizer&Gazette 5th Feb1936. Title Freak Storms (Joel st Field End Rd), Advertizer&Gazette 8th Aug 1938. Title Torrential Rain Ends The Summer Drought (Field End Rd, Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 7th Jul. 1949. Title Roads, Works Flooded During Storm (Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 6th Aug 1962. Title Yellow Lorry in Water (Joel St, River Pinn Catchments), 15th Nov1977. Title Yellow Cars in Water (Joel St) 1984.


Please find below a list of links for further information. Council Flooding – Flooding – Hillingdon Council. This has lots of links about responsibilities, what to do to prepare yourself and your property, as well as who to contact during a flood event. Surface water flood risk map (change drop down list to Flood Risk from Surface Water – Extent of flooding) long-term-flood-risk The sewer flooding questionnaire from Thames Water should be filled in to record every event. sewer-flooding-questionnaire.pdf

Please find below a list of links for further information. Council Flooding – Flooding – Hillingdon Council. This has lots of links about responsibilities, what to do to prepare yourself and your property, as well as who to contact during a flood event. Surface water flood risk map (change drop down list to Flood Risk from Surface Water – Extent of flooding) long-term-flood-risk The sewer flooding questionnaire from Thames Water should be filled in to record every event. sewer-flooding-questionnaire.pdf

The Figure shows historical press coverage beginning with several  inter-war period report. Title Tuesday’s Floods (Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 29th Nov1927. Title Snow and Flood (Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 4th Jan 1928. Title Eastcote, Advertizer&Gazette 5th Feb1936. Title Freak Storms (Joel st Field End Rd), Advertizer&Gazette 8th Aug 1938. Title Torrential Rain Ends The Summer Drought (Field End Rd, Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 7th Jul. 1949. Title Roads, Works Flooded During Storm (Joel St), Advertizer&Gazette 6th Aug 1962. Title Yellow Lorry in Water (Joel St, River Pinn Catchments), 15th Nov1977. Title Yellow Cars in Water (Joel St) 1984.
As the weather becomes ever more random many parts of London are solving issues. reports that london-flooding-emergency-measures-to-be-deployed-if-more-rain-hits-london. The Figure shows Eastcote Main Parade Rain Gardens in 2020 and the previous service road raised planation scheme up until 2018. Eastcote-wins-ice-peoples-choice . Project Centre’s Eastcote Town Centre Improvement project has won the Institution of Civil Engineers London Civil Engineering People’s Choice Award! In line with what we are all about at Project Centre, this award recognises the civil engineering projects transforming the lives of Londoners. eastcote-rain-gardens-win-national-award . A ground layer that was installed now accommodates up to 30mm of rainwater, increasing the area’s flood resilience. Eastcote-Rain-Gardens-win-national-award . Cllr Douglas Mills, Cabinet Member for  Community, Commerce and Regeneration, said: “This is fantastic news! Thanks to the innovative joint work between the council, the designers Project Centre and contractors O’Hara Bros, the project has not only significantly reduced the risk of flooding, but it has also revitalised the area with new plants and public space – making it a more pleasant and vibrant place to live and work

For Eastcote Wherever I may Find Her. Copyright Goggle 20021. Click on the centre of the earth to Zoom via Atlantic Ocean, the Continent, the British Isles, the South East, to Eastcote Middx

Draft Statement of Gambling Principles

Draft Statement of Gambling Principles 2019 – 2022

The Gambling Act 2005

The Council has reviewed its Statement of Gambling Principles and has made some minor amendments.

The revised policy 2019 – 2022 is scheduled to come into force on 21st November 2019 and is available to view on the Hillingdon website – click here

Should you wish to make any comments on the revised policy, please do so to

The policy consultation period ends on 8th August 2019

RAF Northolt

Consultation on Airspace Change Proposal ends 12 May 2019

Royal Air Force Northolt is required to submit an Airspace Change Proposal under the Department for Transport’s Future Airspace Strategy Implementation (South) programme. All airports in the South East of the United Kingdom are taking part in this programme, which will not be implemented before 2024.

This Airspace Change Proposal will be implemented under the Civil Aviation Authority’s ‘CAP1616’ process, which directs an airport or airfield to engage with those geographical areas that may be affected by any proposed flightpath changes. We have identified that your area could be affected by Royal Air Force Northolt’s Airspace Change Proposal.

We want to ensure that you are aware of this Airspace Change Proposal, and seek the input of local residents before we start the initial airspace design process. Before we start to put any lines on maps, we would like to understand what is important to local residents and this information will influence the design principles that we use in designing the Airspace Change. This way we can ensure that local opinion is taken into account, where there are choices to be made in the airspace design process.

Additional information relating to the proposal can be downloaded here

You can let your views be known by downloading and completing the design principles form and sending an electronic copy to, or by posting a hard copy to ‘Senior Air Traffic Controller, RAF Northolt, RUISLIP, HA4 6NG’. Please rank the design principles in it in order of preference for Tables Two and Three.

We stress that operations and usage at RAF Northolt will remain unchanged, just the airspace in which our aircraft operate will change. What we are looking to achieve at this stage is simply to understand which of the design principles are most important to residents. From there we can go about designing the airspace and share the proposals once complete. For electronic contact please use the following email address:

Air Quality Action Plan

Hillingdon Council have produced a draft Air Quality Action Plan part of their duty to London Local Air Quality Management.

The purpose of this plan is to protect the health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in the borough from the effects of air pollution. It outlines the actions they plan to take in improving air quality in Hillingdon between 2019 and 2024.

There is a local consultation to ensure residents, businesses and organisations are able to give their views on the draft plan and on any potential air quality issues in their own local areas. The Council will review the draft plan taking appropriate account of the consultation responses received.

They are inviting residents, businesses and organisations to take part via the “Have Your Say” link below, where they can find relevant information and a link to the online survey.

Have Your Say

Paper copies of the consultation are also available upon request to

This consultation closes on Friday 19 April 2019.

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