Have your say on the new 4-year council strategy

The council is inviting the community to come forward and have their say on the council’s draft vision and priorities for the next 4 years which outline its ongoing commitment to putting residents first.

Hillingdon Council’s Cabinet approved the authority’s draft Council Strategy 2022 to 2026 for consultation at its meeting on Thursday 7 July 2022.

The council’s vision

The council’s vision remains putting residents first, and the ambition statement for residents is that Hillingdon is a safe, inclusive, more digital borough with a strong economy.

For the council itself the ambition is that it strives to be an efficient, well-run, digitally- enabled authority and works with partners to deliver services to improve the lives of its residents.


The 5 commitments to residents included in the draft strategy are:

  1. Safe and Strong Communities
    Hillingdon is a safe place with resilient, strong communities with access to good quality, affordable housing.
  2. Thriving, Healthy Households
    Children, young people, their families and vulnerable adults and older people live healthy, active and independent lives.
  3. A Green and Sustainable Borough
    Hillingdon will be a sustainable, carbon-neutral borough, protecting Hillingdon’s heritage, built environment and valued green spaces. Residents live in pleasant neighbourhoods with access to sustainable waste management and transport.
  4. A Thriving Economy  
    We are actively working with local businesses and partners to create a borough where businesses grow within a strong economy and local people can improve their skills and enjoy good quality jobs.
  5. A Digital-Enabled, Modern, Well-Run Council
    We are a well-run, sustainable council with sound financial management, achieving positive outcomes for residents.

Take part in the consultation

You can have your say on the draft council strategy by completing the online form by Friday 9 September.

Have your say on the draft council strategy

Hillingdon Adult Learning update – February 2022

The past couple of academic years have been difficult for everyone with the pressures and restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with Hillingdon Adult and Community Learning (HACL) we were able to adapt by using a blended approach to how we offer our courses.

Some have been held in person, at one of our four centres or in various community locations across the borough and over the past year, we’ve also offered many courses online.
You don’t need to have qualifications or experience for many of the courses we offer, and where you do, we have a trained team that can identify the course that’s your best fit and help get you enrolled, too.

Our adult learning courses offer you the opportunity to develop skills, to change career paths, to get onto the employment ladder, to start a new hobby, begin a new vocation or even support your health and wellbeing.

The programme is for adults aged 19 and above, and offers something for everyone, with levels ranging from beginners to intermediate and onto advanced if you’re really getting into the experience.

In addition, new courses are added regularly. Many of those who have done our courses have spoken of the opportunities that they have experienced by learning to grow in confidence, knowledge and skills in their personal, academic and working lives.
Why not take a look at the courses we have on offer?  Find out more

Cllr Susan O’Brien
Cabinet Member for Families, Education and Wellbeing

Tenant and Leaseholders Survey 2021

Hillingdon Council are conducting their second Tenant and Leaseholders Survey and would like to invite Tenants and Leaseholder to have your say. Your views are important to us, so we would like to hear from you.

Please click the link, which is open until 30th December 2021.  https://www.hillingdon.gov.uk/resident-consultation

Taking part is totally private and confidential and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.  The results of this survey will be collated and published online.

If assistance is needed completing the survey, or a large print version is required or in another language, please contact the Customer Engagement Team by telephone on 01895 277038 or email customerengagement@hillingdon.gov.uk  

What’s Climate Change got to do with Eastcote?

Hillingdon Council would like your ideas on climate change by 20 June 2021.

The whole idea of climate change can seem a little unreal, something that will happen in some remote future. Maybe that is why the problem is now so urgent. Even in quiet, suburban Eastcote, serious flooding is happening more often due to extreme weather events which are expected to become more frequent and more extreme.

Hillingdon Council has followed up its Climate Emergency Declaration from early last year by issuing a draft Strategic Climate Change Action Plan and offering it for consultation. The Plan itself, and instructions on how to respond to the consultation, can be found on the Council website at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/Climate-consultation .

There is an online survey divided into seven Themes: Community Leadership, The Council’s Own Operations, Building Better Places, Using Clean and Green Energy, Waste Management, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, and Carbon Offsetting. For each one, you are asked to respond yes or no to the questions: ‘Is our approach clear?’ and ‘Have we missed anything?’ There is then a suggestions/comments box for each Theme.

It becomes a bit difficult if you want to say something that doesn’t fit easily into one of those themes, so there is an option to compile your own response and email it in.

The Council are clear that the Plan is the first step in a process that will involve the whole community, and that the Council must take a leadership role. Here’s a brief quote from the Plan: “Responding to the climate emergency requires a collaborative effort from everyone. It is therefore important that there is full engagement. It is also important to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to present their ideas and their experiences to ensure that the Council is progressing in the right direction.”

However urgent you think the climate crisis is, it’s probably way more urgent than that. So please set aside a little time, read the plan, and respond to the consultation by 20 June, so that the Council has a strong mandate for real transformative action.

Please Report Surface Water Flooding

Thames Water do not think that there is a problem with drains in the area.  However, several instances of them being called to clear drains which were leading to localised flooding suggest otherwise.  It is therefore up to residents to report all localised flooding every time it happens.

The sewer flooding questionnaire from Thames Water should be filled in to record every event.

Please also see Flooding – Hillingdon Council.  This site has lots of links about responsibilities, what to do to prepare yourself and your property, as well as who to contact during a flood event.

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